Life History of Marcel F. Lauper

Written by Marcel F. Lauper

The main portion was finished in 1977 and addressed to his children. Several additions or "addendums" were later added. Marcel suggested several of the titles, himself. The original document was typed by his sister Viola. The scanned document was proofread by Wilma Stocker. Chapterization and formatting by David Peterson.

See also his 1989 oral interview.

Table of Contents

Preface: To My Children
  1. Beginnings: 1911, Elwood, and Sugarville, 1917
  2. Childhood: Holidays, Church, John and Felix
  3. To Southern California, 1929
  4. Mission to Denmark, 1935
  5. Returning Home
  6. World War II
  7. Marriage and Family, 1945
  8. Lauper's Furntiture, 1958
  9. Memories of Family
  10. Trips
  11. Concluding Thoughts in 1977
  12. Addendum: Along came 1976
  13. Addendum: Mugged! (1977)
  14. Addendum: Pugilistic Side-lights
  15. Addendum: Infirmities
  16. Addendum: Cloyd, Instruments, J.C., Eels, Pants, Red
Marcel, 1935
Marcel, 1935


As a preface to this writing, I would like to state the following:

This was urged upon me by my son, John, who said, "Write a personal history, do it now, start today. You'll be cheating us, and your grandchildren, if you don't. The grandchildren will want to hear of your life -- just as I would like to hear of my grandfather". These were the pleadings and urgings of son, John.

Then, there's my sister, Viola, who startled me to attention of this matter: reminding me, "It's later than we think"! And with every week that passed, she brought me a new reminder; so this counsel began to tell me something.

Because of the urgency of these two people, I am now at the task, and find this a difficult thing, to suddenly try to put sixty-five years into a short recounting. I am sure the task does not become easier as time goes on. I don't really know how to write a personal history. President Nixon once retained a man, at $35,000 per year, to help him to write his memoirs -- and he, Nixon, is a year younger than I.

I'm reminded of our brother Serge. When he was made a Stake Patriarch, he asked President Henry D. Moyle what he should do? President Moyle said, "I don't know, I've never been one". Now I feel that way about writing. I'm not good at it, but others have completed nice histories and I find them so very interesting to read. I'm told to follow these examples - but to be concise and brief, but this is not easy. Brother Dennis pays me the dubious compliment, saying, "When Marcel lacks for words, John D. Rockefeller lacks for money.” It's an undeniable challenge. However, I think that Omni, Enos, and Jacob; three of the shortest books in the Book of Mormon, indicate that those writers left their history writing to the last days of their lives.

Now I am going to proceed and just "skim" over my life's happenings, thinking mostly of writing this to my own children. It's possible some other members of the family might find a bit of interest here or there.

To Chapter 1

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