Historical Lauper Photos

These photos are a collection of all sorts of pictures and people and events in Lauper history. The most recent photos of families and individuals can be found at Current Photos.

Other historical photos can be found on the Lauper Family page and each of the personal history pages.

Please send us other family photos that you may have. Mail to webmaster

Let us know if you have comments or answers to questions about photos displayed here. Each photo page has a link for sending comments.

  • Old Lauper Album
    Photographs from the old album belonging to Emma Vissing Lauper, dating from the late 1800's to early 1900's.
  • Lauper Newlyweds
    Photographs of Lauper siblings and their spouses at or near their marriage.
  • Early Photos of Emile, Emma and family
  • The Line-Up
    Multiple instances of the "Line-up" pose in 1935, 1970 and 2003

Lauper Cousins, 2002

Grandchildren of Emile and Emma at Family Reunion, 2002, Danville, CA
Rica, John, JoAnn, David, Linda, J.R., Wilma, Marc, Paulie, Eric, Georgia, Dennis

Come Again!

Please return to this site for regular updates and more items of family interest.

Upcoming items will include:

  • more reunion schedule details
  • more and better pictures
  • more items of family history
  • registration to attend the reunion
Check the What's New page for a listing of what has changed.