Interviews with Lauper Siblings and their Spouses

In the spring and summer of 1989, high school students and second cousins Julie Lauper-Cook and Karen Danielson Talbert undertook an oral history project to interview the remaining siblings and spouses of the Lauper family. (Julie is the granddaughter of Ralph Lauper and Karen the granddaughter of Alice Lauper Brown.) On several occasions, they sat down with tape recorder with one or more of these siblings to ask questions about their early lives.

In several cases, the others present at these interviews provide unsolicited commentary on the statements of their sibling or spouse. This, in itself, is typical of the playful teasing that often occurred when these contemporaries got together.

At present, some of the interviews have been transcribed to this site. The others are forthcoming.

In some cases, larger (auto-)biographies/personal histories have been written.

Although the stories in these interviews overlap with those told in the written personal histories, in almost all cases, there are memories recorded in the interviews that are not found in the histories!

Come Again!

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Upcoming items will include:

  • more reunion schedule details
  • more and better pictures
  • more items of family history
  • registration to attend the reunion
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